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Armed Bars

Our Armed Bars are an aesthetically pleasing transparent security window barrier fitted with Smart Bar technology that has the impressive ability to protect the home and inhabitants with physically strong, clear bars that are integrated with a 24/7 active alarm monitoring system.

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How it works

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Our Features

Calls for help when you cant


Enhanced Security

200x stronger than glass.
Our bars are designed to withstand even the most determined intruders, offering unparalleled protection for your property. This will provide the client with a permanent armed perimeter protection.


Transparent Design

Enjoy unobstructed views and natural light with our transparent bars, blending seamlessly with any architectural style.
Unlike traditional security bars, our transparent design maintains the aesthetic appeal of your environment while providing maximum security


Convenience and Peace of Mind

Paramount Protection transparent armed bars automatically activate when an intruder attemps to break in, alerting you to potential security breaches.
Enjoy the convenience of a secure environment without compromising on comfort or style. You can rest easy knowing that your loved ones and possessions are protected around the clock.

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